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  • Felt miserable when I saw my Chin
  • 2020-12-22 hit.15,464
  • Writer : Kim**

Motivation of the surgery

I have under bite and the asymmetry with long face which makes me feel miserable. I also cared a lot about my appearance that want to improve it through braces. But I found out that it can't be improved only with braces... So I decided to think that only double jaw surgery was the answer.

Ever since I was a child, I had a habit of holding my chin with one hand, and a bad habit of biting my nails. As I get older, I don't like the long face and lantern jaw since when I look at my face from the side… aigh I really don’t like it. Furthemore, due to my jaw shape I think my pronunciation used to leak.


Post OP 1 Day

My face is so swollen, I have a lot of phlegm, and I have a tube in my nose and I can hardly breathe. I have a headache and how long should I stay in this condition? It's a pain that I can sleep after recover from the anesthesia


Post OP 2 Days

My nose was still stuffy but it becomes better than the first day. My throat hurts so much that I couldn't sleep well because I drank water once an hour. I felt like my face is puffier than the second day. I'm also trying to open my mouth wider. I hope I get better soon.


Post OP 3 Days

I have been discharged from hospital and taking a rest after releasing the compression band. I'm feeling pretty better than 1 or 2 days ago. The face is equally swollen, but I am satisfied because I can easily breathing than before.


Post OP 9 Days

As the days go by, I feel that my swelling is going down. Maybe that's why I'm taking more walks than before. Haha,


Post OP 10 Days

Now that my swelling has gone down, I'm getting greedy about eating. I can't eat a lot of food, but if I look up, there are quite a few. However, I am worried that asymmetry will not go away because the swelling goes out unevenly.


Post OP 14 Days

For sure, the swelling has gone down a lot. I don't know when, but those days swelling is not bothering me is not that much. I used to wear a mask after surgery, but now I can take it off. I feel confident. I am thinking about going out without a mask today.


Post OP 15 Days

Today is the stitch removal day. I was kind of worry about it since I heard that remove the stitch will be painful. Frankly, it wasn’t that painful. After that I get deswelling laser treatment and arrived at home. Finally I feel refresh that I can brush my teeth! Ya!


Post OP 16 Days

I decided to try ramen today. However, I bought a mini mortar that can crush ramen because I can't chew it. It's my first time ramen like this, but I'm looking forward to it.


Post OP 21 Days

Time flies so fast that I feel much less swollen than before. Maybe that's why I look at the mirror more often these days.^^


Post OP 22 Days

I've been out all day today. I was happy to hear that my friends told me that I looks much natural after lost a lot of swelling. I was thinking about when all these swelling will be reduce.. I'm looking forward to next week


Post OP 24 Days

I'm thinking of making porridge today. I think it would be fun to try it once since I used to  buy it until now. I am so sad that there are only a few things to eat.


Post OP 27 Days

My daily routine has become too comfortable. It felt like it wasn't my chin right after the surgery, but now it's so natural. I'm so satisfied. Haha, but I can never get used to with wafer. I hope there will be a day when I can live without a wafer.


Post OP 28 Days

I've been going out a lot lately. After the surgery, walking was only thing I can do, but these days, I go hang out with my friend more often a lot. It was so sad to walk alone.


Post OP 30 Days

There are more things to eat besides porridge now. I am thinking about what to eat. I am so exciting to think about what kind of food I should eat!


Post OP 33 Days

I couldn't eat any food a month from internet cafe, but I'm so happy that I can eat all kinds of ramen. I didn't know eating can provide me all the happiness. I'm realizing the importance of eating in my life!


Post OP 39 Days

Because of the cold weather, I plan to stay indoors today. When I look up old pictures by chance and look at them, I am amazed at how I look so different after surgery.


Post OP 54 Days

I am scared to go out because of Coronavirus. There is no safe place anywhere you go. As expected, it is dangerous outside the house.



Post OP 62 Days

I spent time in the reading room today. It was hard to start studying, but it’s getting interest. I can drink in a month and I can eat all kinds of food, so I am really looking forward to it.


Post OP 66 Days

I was surprised when I sang high notes at the karaoke room. Karaoke room is still overdoing.​


Post OP 74 Days

Weather is getting warmer that I can wear light clothes. Also, swelling has been reduced a lot but one side is bit more swelling than other side.


Post OP 3 Months

I can chew most of the food except too chewy food! Also, I am glad that finally I can drink beer since I supposed to abstain from alcohol after facial bone surgery! But… I think alcohol made me swell inside of my mouth. I must be careful to drink alcohol.


Post OP 4 Months

Last month, I had some swelling inside of my mouth, but it disappeared at some point and I'm so happy that I can chew more intensely than post op 3 months. At the beginning of the surgery, I was worried about the possibility of side effects, but now I'm so satisfied.


Post OP 5 Months

Time flies so fast! I live like before surgery and I can chew very well! I just want to done with orthodontic treatment soon!

Post OP 6 Months

When I can my previous picture I can realize that my face look natural! This is the face that what I want! I am totally satisfied with the result of the surgery!

Post OP 7 Months

I am used to wearing a mask, but I think summer is too hot.ㅠㅠ I hope the COVID 19 ends soon. I'm so happy that I took away my braces! I'm satisfied with my face, which becomes more natural as time goes by.

Post OP 8 Months

I rested all day at home today. COVID 19 has become more serious and has reached the point where we can't even go to the cafe ㅠㅠ.. I miss coffee from time to time at the store. I hope everyone can overcome this difficult situation!


Post OP 9 Months

It hasn't been a year after surgery and sometimes I am thinking that did I do the surgery? Since my life is so comfortable after surgery!

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